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Papercraft Essentials №175 2019

Papercraft Essentials is packed with fun cards you can make in an evening! With the emphasis on cute and traditional styles, the magazine combines quick makes for beginners with more in-depth projects for intermediate and advanced crafters.

PaperCraft Inspirations №191 2019 June

Packed full of cards and scrapbooking projects with brilliant covermounts every issue. Tips and in-depth features, exciting projects for all skill levels. Never be stuck for inspiration again with the UK’s best-selling card making magazine. Each issue of PaperCraft Inspirations is crammed with inspirational ideas and tonnes of techniques for you to try.

Papercraft Essentials №172 2019

Papercraft Essentials is packed with fun cards you can make in an evening! With the emphasis on cute and traditional styles, the magazine combines quick makes for beginners with more in-depth projects for intermediate and advanced crafters.

PaperCraft Inspirations №190 2019 May



Packed full of cards and scrapbooking projects with brilliant covermounts every issue. Tips and in-depth features, exciting projects for all skill levels. Never be stuck for inspiration again with the UK’s best-selling card making magazine. Each issue of PaperCraft Inspirations is crammed with inspirational ideas and tonnes of techniques for you to try.

Papercraft Essentials №171 2019 March

Papercraft Essentials is packed with fun cards you can make in an evening! With the emphasis on cute and traditional styles, the magazine combines quick makes for beginners with more in-depth projects for intermediate and advanced crafters.
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