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Crochet for Beginners: A Complete Step By Step Guide for beginners with illustrations To Learn Crocheting in a Very Simple Way 2019

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Do you wish you could learn how to crochet without all the frustrations?
Do you have no clue where to start when it comes to crocheting?
Truly, this book is the crocheter’s world, this comes the ultimate reference manual for the absolute beginner.
Filled with step-by-step photography throughout for an easy-to-follow and fully visual experience, this unparalleled guide teaches you how to crochet from the very first stitch—and will keep you crocheting as you gain experience!
Crochet for beginners will include:
•Step-by-step guide: Clear & precise instructions so you will not feel lost in between steps
•Clear picture illustrations
•Top tips, tricks & hacks every beginner crocheter needs to know to avoid costly mistakes & learn faster
• Beginner crochet patterns
Crochet For Beginners is the right book for you!
Crocheting does not need to be hard if you follow the right guide.
Формат: epub
Страниц: 64
Размер: 1 mb
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