NEWS: Доброго времени суток, уважаемые пользователи мирового портала по рукоделию! Kind time of days, dear users of a world portal on needlework!
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"Simply Sewing"

Simply Sewing №13 2016

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "Simply Sewing"

Журнал по шитью. Самые последние модные модели. Simply Sewing is a practical magazine for makers who sew, or would like to start sewing. Its contemporary look and feel, fresh attitude and ideas, beautiful photography and inspiring projects will have you behind the sewing machine from the get-go!

Simply Sewing №8 2015

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "Simply Sewing"

Журнал по шитью. Самые последние модные модели.
Simply Sewing is a practical magazine for makers who sew, or would like to start sewing. Its contemporary look and feel, fresh attitude and ideas, beautiful photography and inspiring projects will have you behind the sewing machine from the get-go!

Simply Sewing №48 2018

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ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "Simply Sewing"
Simply Sewing is a practical magazine for makers who sew, or would like to start sewing. 

Simply Sewing №55 2019

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "Simply Sewing"
Simply Sewing is a practical magazine for makers who sew, or would like to start sewing. Its fresh attitude and ideas, beautiful photography and inspiring projects will have you behind the sewing machine from the get-go!
Inside you’ll find a fantastic range of sewing patterns, from small quirky toys and accessories to larger projects such as bags, home furnishings and simple garments.
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