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"The Pattern Pages"

The Pattern Pages №14 2020

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "The Pattern Pages"
The Pattern Pages - это красивый журнал о шитье, предназначенный для тех, кто любит моду и создает собственную одежду. Мы покажем вам последние образцы шитья от независимых дизайнеров, советы по улучшению вашего шитья, моды, интервью, а также много полезных советов по пошиву одежды.

The Pattern Pages №13 2020

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "The Pattern Pages"
The Pattern Pages is a beautifully designed digital sewing magazine dedicated to those who love fashion and making their own clothes. We show you the latest sewing patterns from indie designers, tips to improve your sewing, quick makes, interviews as well as lots more helpful dressmaking advice. We hope you join us and enjoy.

The Pattern Pages №12 2020

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "The Pattern Pages"
The Pattern Pages is a beautifully designed digital sewing magazine dedicated to those who love fashion and making their own clothes. We show you the latest sewing patterns from indie designers, tips to improve your sewing, quick makes, interviews as well as lots more helpful dressmaking advice. We hope you join us and enjoy.

The Pattern Pages №11 2019

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "The Pattern Pages"
The Pattern Pages is a beautifully designed digital sewing magazine dedicated to those who love fashion and making their own clothes. We show you the latest sewing patterns from indie designers, tips to improve your sewing, quick makes, interviews as well as lots more helpful dressmaking advice. We hope you join us and enjoy.

The Pattern Pages №10 2019

ЖУРНАЛЫ ПО ШИТЬЮ - "The Pattern Pages"
The Pattern Pages is a beautifully designed digital sewing magazine dedicated to those who love fashion and making their own clothes. We show you the latest sewing patterns from indie designers, tips to improve your sewing, quick makes, interviews as well as lots more helpful dressmaking advice. We hope you join us and enjoy.
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