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Colourful Wayuu Bags to Crochet 2019

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ВЯЖЕМ............... - ВЯЖЕМ И ШЬЕМ СУМКИ
Книга по вязанию крючком любимого женского аксессуара - сумочек.
Follow the Colombian and Venezuelan Wayuu people's stunning geometric patterns and shapes to make ten stunning bags! Colourful, functional and fun - these striking crocheted Wayuu mochila bags have the best combination of features! Using the technique of tapestry crochet, there are ten stunning bags to make, all in excitingly bold colourways and designs, with the characteristic woven shoulder straps and drawstring cords. Some of the bags are also embellished with pompoms and tassels. Using the traditional geometric patterns and shapes of the Colombian and Venezuelan Wayuu people, each bag is unique and you can make them in your own choice of colours.
Автор: Rianne de Graaf
Издательство: Search Press
Формат:  jpg/pdf
Размер:  72 mb 
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