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Quilting 101: Master Basic Skills and Techniques Easily through Step-by-Step Instruction 2018

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Written with the absolute beginner in mind, this book teaches all the basics for machine quilting with step-by-step instructions and photographs. 
Quilting skills are learned by working on projects, beginning with something very easy and getting progressively more difficult as the reader works through the book. New skills are explored in depth as they are introduced. The introductory section covers all the basics of quilting-choosing fabric, quick cutting techniques, sewing seams, completing a quilt top, layering and basting, and both hand and machine quilting methods-making this the most comprehensive beginner's book available.
Автор: Editors of Creative Publishing 
Издательство: Creative Publishing International
Формат: epub
Страниц: 176
Размер: 32 Mb
Язык: English
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