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Hand Applique with Embroidery 2010

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Go beyond basic applique to award-winning results! For years lovely quilts have been made using traditional applique but what takes a quilt from beautiful to extraordinary? 

Elevate basic applique with embroidery embellishment techniques and attention to detail to enhance the 'wow' factor of any quilt. In addition to explicit fine applique techniques, judicious use of beads and sequins is explained, as is fabric choice. Special attention is paid to thread selection. Through three gradually more challenging learning projects, Sandra's specific instructions on using layering techniques and 13 embroidery stitches lead to the creation of the charming TEA WITH MISS D wall quilt. After mastering these skills, any of the design elements in these four projects may be combined in an heirloom or award-winning piece of the quilter's choice. 
Автор: Leichner
Издательство: American Quilter's Society
Язык: английский
Страниц: 86
Формат: jpg
Размер: 63 MB
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