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Nine Patch Panache: 40+ Nine-Patch Projects 2012

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The 40+ projects in this collection are all designed around the popular nine-patch block, and full patterns, drawings, and complete step-by-step instructions are provided. The book presents a wide variety of ways to construct the nine-patch with styles that are contemporary, traditional, and modern and are perfect for the confident beginner as well as the advanced quilter. Varied in size and customizable to any color palette, the finished projects include wall, lap, and bed quilts, and even table toppers. Anyone who loves working with fabric and giving homemade gifts will find these designs enticing and irresistible.
Автор: Tricia Lynn Maloney
Издательство: Annie's 
Формат: pdf
Размер: 37 mb 
Страниц: 178
Язык: английский
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