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Knit Your Own Farm 2014

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Книга по вязанию спицами домашних животных. Создать свою ферму собственными руками, для умеющих вязать спицами, проще простого.  
Knit Your Own Farm is the newest addition to our menagerie of knitted animals. As children we both used to play with Britains Farm Toys, endlessly making and remaking our farmyards – now we can do it all over again with the knitted version.
We have provided a whole smallholding’s worth of animals for you to knit, from the very simple and tiny to the large and complicated. We have also designed a range of baby animals to go with their parents so that you can make farmyard families of pigs, sheep, geese and chickens. We hope that you will want to knit yourself a whole flock of sheep, clutch of chickens, farrow of piglets or raffle of turkeys.  
Автор: Osborne J., Muir S.
Страниц: 214
Формат: pdf 
Размер: 12 Мб
Язык: Английский
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