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Blue Ford Tractor Tea Cosy: Knitting Pattern 2019

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Книга «Blue Ford Tractor Tea Cozy: Knitting Pattern» по вязанию спицами замечательной грелки – игрушки на чайник. В книге кроме трактора, дано еще описание вязания фермера. 
The Blue Ford Tractor tea cosy knitting pattern is a stunner, and amazing knitted impression of a Blue Ford Tractor with a farmer driving on the top, it's an agricultural delight. This Blue Ford tractor is open topped so that you can see the farmer, I thought it would be fun to see the farmer driving along. You could personalise the farmer to look like someone you know, or you could easily give him a couple of hair braids on the hairline and turn him into a farmers wife or a Land Girl. As you would expect the Blue Ford tractor tea cosy has huge back wheels and smaller front wheels. On the engine compartment there is an exhaust pipe sticking up. The Blue Ford Tractor tea cosy fits a medium sized tea pot that covers a Teapot that holds 6 to 8 cups or 2 pints. This product is the knitting pattern only to make your own Blue Ford Tractor tea cosy.
Автор: Susan Cowper
Издательство: TeaCosyFolk
Hазмер: 16 mb
Формат: jpg
Страниц: 23
Язык: Английский
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