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Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Machine Knitting for Beginners 2019

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Иллюстрированное руководство по машинному вязанию для начинающих
Формат: pdf
Размер: 4 mb
Ultimate Illustrated Guide to Machine Knitting for Beginners Learn to Knit Baby Blankets, Hats, Dishcloths & MORE!
Over 75 Pictures & Illustrations
Do you love the look of handmade knitted pieces? Do you lack the patience to complete a knitwork gift by hand?
Did you get a fancy knitting machine, but have no idea how best to use it?
Look no further than this essential pocket guidebook! In this book, I’ll show you how to use your fancy technological knitting machine to create masterful and beautiful knitted pieces.
I have always loved the way that handmade knitted gifts look. I love the way making something from scratch showed that you put that much more thought and care into that hat or blanket.
We live in a world where time is money, and most people are too busy or too stressed to try to create handmade knitted items with old-fashioned knitting needles and their two bare hands. We have invented nifty knitting machines to take the stress out of creating these handmade gifts.
Your knitting machine should be a help, not a hindrance, to your knitting progress.
Once you know what to do with your knitting machine, you’ll be creating lovely pieces of knitwork that look handmade!
In this book, I share with you what I have learned about utilizing my knitting machine to create beautiful knitted pieces that look like they were stitched by hand.
You will learn:
About the types of knitting machines
Examples of plastic bed machines
What metal bed machines are
Electronic machine options
What a ribbing attachment is
An explanation of knitting gauge
What types of gauges are on knitting machines
Understanding of the basic knit stitches
I have also included 6 Machine Knitting Patterns.
These patterns are for:
Fisherman Scalloped Baby Blanket
Fisherman’s Rib Reversible Cable Stitch
A Simple Machine Knit Hat
Lace Circular Doily Dish Rag
Tuck Stitch Reversible Baby Blanket
Cable Baby Blanket
Finally, we’ll talk about how to complete your piece.
Weaving in Ends
Adding Closures and Other Details
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