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Log Cabin Improv: Quilts with a Twist on Tradition 2022

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Вы квилтер, который хочет попробовать свои силы в импровизированном квилтинге, но не совсем уверен, как подойти к этой технике? Это руководство по импровизированному квилтингу предлагает несколько конструкций с использованием очень знакомого лоскутного блока: бревенчатые хижины! 
Are you a quilter seeking to try your hand at improv quilting, but not quite sure how to approach the technique? This must-have guide to improv quilting offers some sought-after structure using a very familiar quilt block: log cabins! The ultimate guide to learning how to play with improv, this 128-page book will show you everything you need to know to quilt confidently using log cabin blocks as your base. With the log cabin quilt block structure, you can explore a variety of improvisational possibilities while still ending up with a quilt that goes together beautifully! Opening with insightful overviews on tools, materials, and log cabin block basics, this book also features several tutorials to help you understand improvisational concepts and techniques before you begin quilting. From there, have fun experimenting with log cabin blocks to make a variety of colorful and scrap-friendly improv quilt projects! Featuring a collection of 17 log cabin quilt designs that use easy improv techniques, each project in ludes step-by-step instructions, helpful diagrams and illustrations, expert tips and tricks, and more. Also included are sections on tools and supplies, log cabin basics, improv concepts and approaches, and design principles.
Автор: M. M. Hogan
Издательство: Landauer
Формат: epub
Размер: 105 Мб
Страниц: 128
Язык: Английский  
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