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Box Stitch Crochet: Use the Corner-to-Corner Stitch in New Ways to Make 20 Hats, Wraps, Scarves & Accessories 2017

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Книга по вязанию крючком головных уборов, шалей, шарфов, митенок и много других интересных вещей для гардероба любой модницы.
The box stitch, or corner-to-corner stitch, is for more than just afghans! Crochet it in creative ways to make wraps, scarves, hats, tops, fingerless mittens, and other accessories with the instructions and patterns in Box Stitch Crochet.Learn the basics of box stitch with step-by-step instructions, and then learn to work it in a rectangle, with a beveled edge, and as a motif. Learning to change colors within the stitch and join pieces will enable you to crochet pieces you wouldn't have thought were possible with box stitch. By creatively manipulating this classic stitch, Corinne Freeman has designed a wide range of easy, fun, and fashionable crochet designs. The stitch is quick to learn, and once you know it, you will be ready to complete the Butterfly Shawl, Crossing Neck Scarf, Under-the-Sea Motif Shawl, and any other design you choose.
Автор: Corinne Freeman
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Формат: jpg
Размер: 90 mb 
Страниц: 163
Язык: английский 
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