Увлекательный красочный журнал, посвящённый созданию открыток и проектов из бумаги и картона в разных техниках. Красочные страницы журнала и множество блестящих идей вдохновят Вас на создание неповторимых сувениров для Рождественских праздников. Кроме этого, в журнала вы найдёте несколько дизайнерских листов, которые можно распечатать на принтере.
Cardmaking & Papercraft has 100s of trendsetting ideas, catering for all levels of cardmaker, with handy step-by-step guides - you're bound to find something you love! Plus you'll find essential advice from the experts, all-occasion makes, as well as seasonal designs for Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter etc
Cardmaking & Papercraft has 100s of trendsetting ideas, catering for all levels of cardmaker, with handy step-by-step guides - you're bound to find something you love! Plus you'll find essential advice from the experts, all-occasion makes, as well as seasonal designs for Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter etc.
Cardmaking & Papercraft has 100s of trendsetting ideas, catering for all levels of cardmaker, with handy step-by-step guides - you're bound to find something you love! Plus you'll find essential advice from the experts, all-occasion makes, as well as seasonal designs for Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter etc.
Cardmaking & Papercraft has 100s of trendsetting ideas, catering for all levels of cardmaker, with handy step-by-step guides - you're bound to find something you love! Plus you'll find essential advice from the experts, all-occasion makes, as well as seasonal designs for Christmas, Mother's Day, Easter etc.