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Too Cute Amigurumi: 30 Crochet Patterns for Adorable Animals, Playful Plants, Sweet Treats and More 2022

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Вяжем крючком красочных и очаровательных амигуруми с лёгкостью! Автор издания предлагает 30 интереснейших проектов - волшебное эскимо с единорогом, чудесный арбуз, капля дождя, лимонад, алоэ, черепахи и многое другое! Возьмите свои крючки и самую яркую пряжу и приготовьтесь к очень милому вязанию крючком.
Crochet Colorful, Captivating Amigurumi With Ease! Get ready to discover just how adorable crochet can be as you take your amigurumi skills up a stitch with 30 perfect projects that are bursting at the seams with cuteness. Jennifer Santos, founder of the aptly-named Super Cute Design, is known in the crochet community for her intricate and colorful amigurumi patterns. Now she's sharing all of her knowledge and enthusiasm for the craft in this fantastic collection, so you can crochet your own menagerie of charming dolls with confidence. Whether you're a complete crochet beginner looking to dive into a new craft or a seasoned amigurumi master on the hunt for new and exciting patterns, Jennifer has you covered every step of the way. Practice her best tips for tackling tricky elements such as changing colors seamlessly, successfully stuffing and assembling your amigurumi and the secrets behind the invisible decrease as you crochet your way through playful patterns.
Автор: Jennifer Santos
Издательство: Page Street Publishing
Формат: epub
Размер: 103 Мб
Страниц: 152
Язык: Английский 
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