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Dare to Bead 2005

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Dare to Bead shows you how to create stunning jewelry and other items from the vast range of beads available.
 The focus is on off-loom weaving--joining beads by means of various techniques and turning them into something beautiful: from tassel fob to table mat, from bracelet to bookmark. Techniques include basic ropes, tassels and lariats, brick stitch and peyote in various applications and combinations. Lavishly illustrated with specially commissioned color photographs of all finished main projects, as well as alternative styles and color schemes, Dare to Bead also offers loads of suggestions for variations. It will give you both the inspiration and the know-how to get started with skill and confidence.
Автор: Heather Laithwaite
Издательство: Metz Press
Формат: pdf
Размер: 37 mb
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