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Pen To Thread: 750+ Hand-Drawn Embroidery Designs to Inspire Your Stitches! 2016

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Looking to add some inspiration to your embroidery? Look to Pen to Thread! Illustrator and fabric designer Sarah Watson has hand drawn more than 750 whimsical, imaginative motifs in one place--sheer delight for anyone who wields a needle!
From every day objects like birdcages and backpacks to sophisticated poodles, playful mermaids, and punchy pinatas, each pattern is more charming than the next. Sarah has also included embroidery and stitching basics in case you're new to this fun and addictive hobby. She offers tips on choosing color as well as a CD containing individual PDFs of all motifs and alphabets for easy resizing. Any motif can be made distinctly yours with Sarah's easy-to-follow instructions. Your finished projects will make perfect gifts--but you won't want to give them away.
With pattern chapters like School Days, In the Kitchen, The Great Outdoors, and By the Sea, there's no limit to where Pen to Thread can take you!
Автор: Sarah Watson
Издательство: Interweave
Формат: PDF
Размер: 77 Мб 
Язык: английский 
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