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Sew Chic!: Learn to Pattern and Sew Your Own Handbags 2019

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ВЯЖЕМ............... - ВЯЖЕМ И ШЬЕМ СУМКИ
Книга пошитю сумок для начинающих рукодельниц.
 I love making handbags. I taught myself to sew through books and online tutorials. Beginner sewing books often start you out with purses which are fairly entry level. While handbags and purses are basic there are small construction details that I definitely wish I’d known at the beginning. I’ve decided to write a tutorial for those new to sewing bags. In this book I’ll cover all the steps to making a simple shoulder bag-from creating a custom pattern to sewing your bag. After following this guide-you'll have the tools to make any bag you desire.
In this book you’ll learn:
• Creating custom patterns
• How to make zippered pockets
• Making cute purse handles
• Installing a top zipper
• Assembling your bag
• And much more!
Happy Sewing!
Автор: Audrey Williams
Издательство: Kindle Edition
Формат: mobi
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