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Tilda's Toy Box: Sewing Patterns for Soft Toys and More from the Magical World of Tilda 2015

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Latest must-have collection from bestselling craft designer Tone Finnanger aka Tilda who brings her talents to soft toys, gifts and home accessories for children.
Tilda's new book will show you how to make a wide range of beautiful soft toys and gifts for kids, plus amazing accessories for their bedrooms. Discover simple sewing patterns for adorably plump dolls with a range of outfits and accessories, cute jungle creatures like monkeys, and sea-themed creations - pirates, whales and fish--all reproduced at full-size to trace from the page.
Exquisitely presented in her trademark style, this book will delight Tilda fans everywhere with its achievable patterns and charming styled photography.
Me and My Doll:
Dolls with different clothes and accessories, Doll's doll, Traveling house bag for doll's doll, Red and blue quilt, Red and blue patchwork pillow, Heart shaped patchwork pillows, Sewing kit house
Life on the Ocean Waves:
Sweet whales, Sardines, Pirate doll, Sail and flags for the bed (to turn it into a boat)
Jungle Adventure:
Monkeys, Parrots, Patchwork snake, Fruit purses, Striped quilt, Monkey pillow
Издательство: David & Charle
Автор:Tone Finnanger
Формат: pdf 
Размер: 13 Mb
Страниц: 204
Язык: Английский
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