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The Make-it-yourself Gift Book: Gifts to Make at Home for All Your Family and Friends 1995

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The projects in the Make-it-Yourself Gift Book cover a range of crafts that you can do easily at home - necdlccraft, yam crafts, woodwork, decoupage, papier mache, stencilling, folk art... and many more. 
If you’ve done only basic sewing, you’ll find simple gifts to make, either by hand or with a sewing machine, and you’ll be learning more about sewing at the same time. And if you’re a keen and experienced sewer, you can extend your skills even further by finding out how to make exquisite heirloom-style garments and luxury items such as crazy patchwork.
Автор: Reader's Digest
Формат: PDF
Размер: 51 Mb
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