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Sewing With Nancy. Trees & Flowers - Landscape Quilts 1998

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A walk in the woods is a pleasant pastime, whatever the season. But once you leave the woods, the memory remains only in your mind. In this booklet, you'll learn to use fabric as your paint and a scissors as your paintbrush to capture the essence of that adventure. Best of all, you can retain the most pleasurable parts of the experience, while purpposely elminating distracting or less attractive aspects. 
With a photo or a picture as our inspiration, an assortment of fabrics with nature-like colorations as your tools, a nonconventional cutting technique, and a little help from your sewing machine, you're on your way to creating a landscape masterpiece that will capture such memories for years to come. You'll see how to design a spring landscape and a fall landscpae. From selecting the fabrics to adding bindings and doing machine stippling, the process is exciting and stimulating.
Автор: Natalie Sewell , Nancy Zieman
Издательство: Nancy's Notions; 1st edition
Страниц: 19
Язык: английский 

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