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No-Sew Love: Fifty Fun Projects to Make Without a Needle and Thread 2014

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Книга по шитью. Для вас - декоративные подушки, вставки для штор с люверсами, милая детская одежда, праздничные украшения и даже аксессуары! Проекты фотографируются на каждом этапе для получения кристально четких указаний и гарантированных результатов.
Although Ashley Johnston is comfortable with a needle and thread - and really enjoys making handmade items for her children and home - she could certainly understand that sewing machines can strike fear and dread into the hearts of many crafters. The complicated machinery with the fussy parts as well as confusing pattern directions send many people running from any craft that requires sewing. No-Sew Love is filled with ideas for the non-sewing crafter or for the more casual sewist who would rather not haul out the sewing machine for a quick project. 
Автор: Ashley Johnston
Издательство: Running Press
Формат: pdf 
Размер: 20 Мб 
Язык: Английский 
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