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Papermaking 2022

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Papermaking is truly a craft for everybody – it is accessible, sustainable and enjoyable for all ages. This book is a step-by-step guide for everyone who wants to make paper at home or in a classroom setting. 
With clear instructions and over 140 photos, it explains how to make a range of paper from simple sheets to three-dimensional objects. Topics covered include advice on materials and equipment; getting started; adding colour; embellishing and personalizing your paper and exploring the various papermaking techniques. This is an invaluable and handy guide to this wonderful craft first invented by the Chinese in the first century CE.
Автор: L. Baxandall
Издательство: The Crowood Press Ltd
Размер: 8 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 284
Язык: Английский 
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