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Paracord Projects: 15 Amazing Paracord Projects With Step-By-Step Instructions For Beginners 2018

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МАКРАМЕ - макраме
If you want to be a skillful individual to make creative things using paracord, have strong desire to impress your friends and beloved with attractive projects that you made by yourself than this ‘15 Amazing Paracord Projects With Step-By-Step Instructions For Beginners!’ book is very useful for you!
You will get detailed with the information on how to make creative and colorful things using paracord because this book explains step by step making process of 15 paracord projects with pictures to complete the task. Besides, this book is for beginners. No problem at all if you are not familiar with paracord projects!
Автор:  Jack Sanders
Размер: 17 mb 
Формат: pdf 
Страниц: 81
Язык: Английский 
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