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A Gallery of KNOTS!: A Beginner's How-to Guide 2014

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МАКРАМЕ - макраме
Книга для начинающих рукодельниц по плетению в стиле макраме. 
Knot-tying is a versatile craft that practically anyone can do, anywhere. From traditional sailor’s knots to the trendy friendship bracelets of the 90’s to the modern craze of paracord crafts, knot tying is a fun and valuable skill. Guys, gals and even young kids can learn the principles of knot tying to create a huge variety of projects. This ebook will teach you a selection of the most widely used, best loved knots and a variety of accompanying projects. The step-by-step photo instructions make it easy to learn, even for the beginner!
Автор: Tara Cousins
Издательство: Similar books 
Формат: epub
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