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Sustainable Ceramics: A Practical Guide 2020

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Красочная книга для любителей керамистов. Мастера - керамисты все больше заинтересованы в создании работ, которые не только красиво оформлены и изготовлены, но и экологически безопасны. В этом издании автор проведет вас через все этапы создания керамики.
Artists are increasingly interested in producing work that is not only beautifully designed and produced, but is also environmentally friendly and socially responsible. In Sustainable Ceramics, pioneer Robert Harrison draws on more than four decades of making, and a wealth of experience shared by other artists to present practical possibilities for ceramic artists. This book covers all the factors to consider when going 'green', from fuels and alternative firing technology to energy-saving methods, sustainable ways to collect and use clay itself, and ways to deal with or recycle waste materials and save water. He suggests simple and achievable methods by which to reduce the carbon footprint of ceramic art, and draws on interviews and examples throughout by practitioners who reclaim, reuse and recycle in their studio or work. Sustainable Ceramics is an essential resource for any ceramicist, studio or school looking for ideas on how to reduce the impact of their practice on the environment.
Автор: R. Harrison
Издательство: Herbert Press
Размер: 136 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 144
Язык: Английский 
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