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Macramè: -Plant Hangers 101- A Smart & Innovative Way Using HD Color Illustration to Create Charming Plant Hangers to... 2021

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Macramè: -Plant Hangers 101- A Smart & Innovative Way Using HD Color Illustration to Create Charming Plant Hangers to Decorate Your Space with Elegance
Would you like to create beautiful plant hangers to add charm to your home?
Would you like to take a moment of relaxation and learn how to create the four most popular macramé patterns used by professional designers?
And, would you like to do it on a small budget and in less than one week?
If the answer to that is yes, keep reading.
Macrame 101: Your chance to create The Trending Home Decor of the year with your OWN hands!
Автор: Sophia Moore
Размер: 3 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 308
Язык: Английский 
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