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Creative Candle Making: 12 Unique Projects to Make Candles for All Occasions: Includes Materials to Make 4 Candles 2020

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Книга по изготовлению декоративных свечей в домашних условиях. Дано 12 уникальных проектов.
Explore the enchanting art of making candles!
Creative Candle Making comes with instructions and materials to make all-natural candles at home. The beautiful book leads you through 12 candle projects as well as discussing the benefits of different waxes, wicks, molds, and the history of candle craft. Learn to make a variety of candles from sweet floating candles to modern cement pillar candles.
The attached box contains:
• Step-by-step project instructions
• Soy wax chips
• Beeswax sheet
• Floating candle mold
• Mounted wicks and loose cotton wicking
• Osmanthus flower fragrance
Формат: epub
Размер: 7 mb
Страниц: 80
Язык: Английский
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