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Silk Road Socks 2011

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If you've ever dreamed of being whisked away on a magic carpet to a land where you could knit stunningly beautiful socks all day...well, we can't quite make that dream come true. 
But we can supply you with sock patterns to knit if you ever do get there! Inside you'll find 14 amazing new sock patterns, each inspired by a different style of oriental rug. An in-depth primer on top-down sock construction, thorough lessons on chart reading, detailed information on how to resize any sock pattern, and tips to customize your socks to perfectly fit your feet help ensure your knitting success. You'll also find a wealth of information on the history of the Silk Road and the beautiful textiles produced in the region. Silk Road Socks will be a welcome addition to any sock knitter or textile artist's library. Author Hunter Hammersen is a prolific and talented sock designer whose designs have found their way onto countless knitters' needles. Visit the Silk Road Socks website for more information on the socks in this book, knitalongs and other bonus features.
Формат: pdf
Размер: 8 mb
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