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Colorwork for Adventurous Knitters 2012

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This step-by-step technique reference introduces and thoroughly explores several styles of knitting that involve color/yarn changes to create intricate patterns and designs.
 With Colorwork for Adventurous Knitters, you'll delve into exciting methods including striping, slipstitch, mosaic, stranded, and intarsia knitting and duplicate stitch and embroidery embellishment. While colorwork is commonly found in knitting projects, each colorwork knitting method requires skills that are difficult for someone to simply grasp on their own without careful guidance, which is just what this volume provides. Each section includes easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions, teaching all that is necessary to master the required knitting skills. Charts, diagrams, and graphs are also provided, and swatch exercises in each section give the reader a chance to try the skills. Sections end with three to five small projects. This volume is an inspiring addition to any knitter’s library.
Издательство: Creative Publishing 
Автор:Lori Ihnen
Формат: pdf 
Размер:102 Mb
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