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Crafty Gifts 2017

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A brand-new craft book for young crafters and makers ages 7 and up that features more than 20 step-by-step projects and inspiration to personalize each one. Packed with ideas for presents, wrapping, and cards, Jane Bull's Crafty Gifts includes everything from colorful picture frames to bath fizzies to paper flower bouquets. 
Children will love crafting doodle mugs, button art pictures, and more, and making each one their own and each gift they give one of a kind. When the gift-making is done, they can then use doodle patterns and gift box and trimmings ideas to create an inspired card or inventive wrapping and finish off the gifty presentation. Step-by-step instructions and visually stunning photography make each of the projects approachable and kid-friendly.
Автор: Jane Bull
Издательство: DK Children
Формат: PDF
Размер: 24 Мб 
Язык: английский 
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