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Upcycle with Sizzix 2015

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With the Sizzix die cutting machines, there are thousands of fun and useful applications. These machines cut shapes from paper or fabric, and they also emboss designs into paper. 
Upcycle with Sizzix offers detailed instructions on how to use a Sizzix die cutting machine to create projects from recycled papers, fabrics, and other materials. Learn how to upcycle found materials in all sorts of crafty projects like collages, banners, gift-giving, and small home decor items, with a new project on nearly every page. Each project includes a detailed materials list and walks crafters through any special techniques that are needed.
Packed with photos, illustrations and ideas, Upcycle with Sizzix will have crafters creating amazing elements in no time. And by using "found materials" including music sheet paper, magazine pages, leather, aluminum, old greeting cards, wrapping paper, and lightweight cardboard packaging, they'll feel great about the green projects that are created.
Автор: Sizzix
Издательство: Quarry Books
Формат: pdf 
Размер: 32 Мб 
Язык: английский 
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