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Cashmerette Patterns - Concord T-Shirt 2020

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Буклет для шитья футболки с полноразмерными выкройками. Познакомьтесь с Concord, вашей новой футболкой! 
Трикотажная футболка - классический элемент гардероба. Забудьте о футболках, которые слишком обтягивают, мешковаты и свисают с плеч: Concord создан для такой же фигуры, как у вас. Создайте свой собственный дизайн, выбрав три длины подола (укороченный, средней длины или длинный изогнутый), три выреза (высокий, V-образный или овальный), три длины рукава (короткий, средний или длинный), два варианта отделки рукава (с манжетами или подшитый) и дополнительные вкладки на рукавах.
Размер: 12 mb 
Формат: PDF   
Страниц: 212
Язык: Английский 
Cashmerette Concord T-Shirt - PDF Sewing Pattern
Size 12-32 with cup sizes C-H
A0 & A4 Files
Meet the Concord, your new favorite tee! Fully customizable, this knit t-shirt is a classic wardrobe staple that's designed for curves with cup sizes from C – H and thoughtful proportions. Forget about t-shirts that are too tight at the bust, baggy and hanging off your shoulders, or bunching into your armpits: the Concord is designed for a body just like yours.
Create your own custom design from three hem lengths (cropped, mid-length or long curved), three necklines (high, V-neck, or scoop), three sleeve lengths (short, medium, or long), two sleeve finishes (cuffed or hemmed), and optional sleeve tabs.
Whether you layer them over jeans on Friday night, or pair them with floral skirts at the office, you’ll want a closet of Concords!
This Cashmerette pattern includes
Cup sizes from C to H
A beautifully illustrated and detailed instruction booklet, to guide you no matter your sewing level
A full photo sewalong on our blog with tips and techniques that go beyond the instruction booklet
12 to 32, in three cup sizes (C/D, E/F, G/H). Includes 40-62” bust and 42-62” hip.
Light to midweight knit fabric such as rayon, cotton/lycra or poly/lycra jersey, with at least 20% crosswise stretch.
Ballpoint or stretch needle, thread, 8 inches (20 cm) of clear 1/4 inch (6mm) elastic (optional), two ⅝" / 1.5cm buttons (View C).
NOTE: There are separate files for each view and cup size so you only have to print what you need, there is a sheet included which details which page numbers to print for which view.
Instructions: 14 pages (6.8 MB)
Pattern pieces (for each cup size): 36 pages (1.2 MB each)
Copy shop (A0 or US 36" x 48" size): 2 pages (1 MB each)
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