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House of Print: A Modern Printer's Take on Design, Colour and Pattern 2020

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Это современное, стильное и практичное издание по блочной печати на текстиле. 
Эта книга позволяет читателям познакомиться с этим древним ремеслом через современные дизайны автора Молли и влияние, вдохновляющее ее на использование узоров и цвета, прежде чем обучать практическим навыкам и потенциальным способам превращения принтов в красивую домашнюю утварь. Есть инструкции о том, как создать пять простых проектов для дома, и эксклюзивные шаблоны блоков, нарисованные автором, которые можно скопировать и воссоздать дома.
From exciting and up-and-coming artisan printmaker Molly Mahon, this is a modern, stylish, and practical exploration of the traditional craft of block printing. From the initial design process through to the carving of the block, mixing of the color, and the actual printing process, self-taught textile designer Molly Mahon has always found printing to be meditative. This book enables readers to explore this ancient craft through Molly's contemporary designs and the influences that inspire her use of pattern and color, before teaching the practical skills and potential ways to transform prints into beautiful homeware. The book begins with an introduction to Molly and how she found and nurtured her love of block printing. Molly is constantly inspired by her surroundings in all that she sees and feels, and in the second section the reader is taken on some of her favorite journeys, with an inspirational sourcebook filled with beautiful images. The last section focuses on how to block print, including information on key tools, step-by-step techniques for printing on paper and fabric, and pattern design advice. There are also instructions on how to make five simple homeware projects and exclusive block templates drawn by Molly to copy and re-create at home.
Автор: Molly Mahon
Издательство: Pavilion Books
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 41 Мб
Язык: Английский 
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