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Wire Wrapping Book Jewelry Making: Create Kosha Pendant using Wire Weaving Technique 2021

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Wire Wrapping and Wire Weaving is one of the oldest methods of Jewelry Making, it does not require heat or soldering. Nor does it require many tools or a specific workplace. Wire wrapping just requires some motivation and the desire to explore your creativity and of course very few tools and materials are needed!! Wire wrapping is a fun and addictive hobby!
In this book, " Wire Wrapping Jewelry Making: Create Kosha Pendant with Wire Weaving Technique", We will explore wire wrapping and weaving to create the most intricate and beautiful design, "Kosha". You will definitely love creating this pendant.
In this book, you will get, Detailed illustrated more than 65 images from more than 45 pages, step-by-step tutorial to create Kosha Wire Wrapped and Wire Weaved pendant.
From this book, you will learn,
You will learn 2 different weaving techniques.
You will create a unique Wire Wrapped Pendant 'Kosha'.
You will learn to give finishing and polishing this jewelry piece.
This book is perfect for you if you are,
A beginner with a basic understanding of wire wrapping and should be able to hand form curves and shapes.
A Beginner wire wrapping artist who is looking to experiment with various new styles.
Those who want to learn to weave on Multiple wires to create entire jewelry pieces.
All of you who want to take their jewelry-making skills to the next level.
Автор: Gopi Dave
Размер: 5 mb 
Формат: pdf 
Страниц: 49
Язык: Английский 
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