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Kumihimo Basics and Beyond: 24 Braided and Beaded Jewelry Projects on the Kumihimo Disk 2013

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Kumihimo Basics and Beyond presents techniques for creating all-cord braids and beaded braids, then teaches beaders how to transform them into finished jewelry. 
Short demonstrations of the key techniques needed for each project are presented in easy-to-grasp portions, allowing beaders to learn and practice as they go. Rebecca Combs demystifies tricky “kumihimo math” by providing detailed supply lists for each project in the book, plus teaches beaders how to calculate the amount of fiber and how many beads they’ll need for their future kumihimo projects.
Автор: Rebecca Ann Combs 
Издательство: Kalmbach Books
Формат: pdf 
Страниц: 96
Размер: 26 Mb
Язык: English
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