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Lines by Design Quilts: 17 Projects Featuring the Innovative Designs of Esch House Quilts 2016

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Книга по лоскутному шитью. 
В своей книге автор использует аппликацию и предлагает проекты для шитья одеял, подушек для вашего дома.
A line is any shape distilled to its most basic form--but it has unlimited potential! From bold, straight lines to lush curves and lines that draw pictures, Lines By Design will show you how to get the maximum effect out of minimum composition.
Using bias applique, machine applique and traditional piecing techniques, author Debbie Grifka offers designs for bold, modern pieces for your home. Featuring twelve bed-sized quilts plus pillows, placemats, table runners and more, you'll be able to choose from something pictorial, such as Community Isolation, featuring outlines of houses and trees, or try your hand at an updated classic, such as Forever, a riff on the classic Double Wedding Ring design.
No matter which design you choose, you're sure to fall in love with the simple elegance of lines.
Автор: Debbie Grifka
Издательство: Fons &amp
Формат: epub
Размер: 26 mb 
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