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Amy Butler's Piece Keeping: 20 Stylish Projects that Celebrate Patchwork 2016

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Книга по шитью в стиле пэчворк. Piece Keeping - это и практическое руководство, и источник стильного домашнего декора и вдохновения в моде, наполненный уникальным цветовым узором Эми и привлекательными текстильными дизайнами.
In this project-based sewing book, Amy Butler teaches what she does best: sewing, quilting, and pattern making. From lampshades to pillows, quilts to statement jewelry, Piece Keeping is the perfect go-to for the crafty. With clear sections on traditional sewing themes, tools, and methods, this book will appeal to Amy's core fans as well as those simply drawn to beautiful fabrics and DIY projects. The 20 inspiring projects include dozens of how-to diagrams, plus 9 sheets of full-size patterns stored in an attached envelope. Piece Keeping is both a practical guide and a source for stylish home decor and fashion inspiration, brimming throughout with Amy's unique color sense and eye-catching textile designs.
Автор: Amy Butler, David Butler
Издательство: Chronicle Books
Формат: pdf 
Размер: 45 mb 
Страниц: 364
Язык: английский 
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