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Tunisian Crochet: Learn Tunisian Crochet Just In 7 Days And Make 7 Easy and Cute Projects! 2019

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Tunisian Crochet:
Learn Tunisian Crochet Just In 7 Days And Make 7 Easy and Cute Projects!
I’m sure you’ve seen those beautiful woven-like items that are absolutely breath-taking. And you’ve probably wondered how do people make those? The answer is here, inside this book. Here, you will find out all the secrets to Tunisian crochet and you will get seven projects to practice your Tunisian crochet skills.
It is not the usual crochet, nor is it knitting. It is a combination of both. As strange as it may sound, you will see that it makes perfect sense and the patterns and textures that are created using this technique are one of a kind. They are unique and there is practically no way you could imitate the overall appearance of the item that is made using Tunisian crochet technique.
You will learn the basics of Tunisian crochet and you will get 7 gorgeous crochet projects to work on.You will be able to use the items every day. If you feel like you don’t need some of those items, you can actually make them for the purpose of practicing and then if you’re satisfied with the outcome, you can gift them to someone you care about. Wouldn’t it be great if you’d make a baby blanket for a friend’s baby? I’m sure you already do make such gifts, so why not increase the range of gifts?
In this book, you will learn basics and work on projects such as:
An infinity scarf
A mug warmer
A Dishcloth
A pillow case
A blanket
A handbag
A case for glasses
Автор: Kimberly Pike
Размер: 1 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 72
Язык: Английский 
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