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Six Simple Twists: The Pleat Pattern Approach to Origami Tessellation Design 2015

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Six Simple Twists: The Pleat Pattern Approach to Origami Tessellation Design explains the process of designing an origami pattern. It answers the questions "how is a tessellation folded" and "what are the further possibilities."

The author introduces an innovative pleat pattern technique of origami design that is easily accessible to anyone who enjoys the geometry of paper. The book begins with basic forms and systematically builds upon them to teach a limitless number of patterns. It then describes a process of design for the building blocks themselves. At the end, what emerges is a fascinating art form that will enrich folders for many years.

Unlike standard, project-based origami books, Six Simple Twists focuses on how to design rather than construct. This leads to a better understanding of more complicated tessellations at the advanced level.

Автор: Benjamin DiLeonardo-Parker
Издательство: CRC Press
Страниц: 132
Формат: pdf
Размер: 60 mb 
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