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One-Piece Knits: Essential Designs in Multiple Sizes and Gauges for Sweaters Knit Top Down, Side Over, and Back to Front 2018

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Knit your sweaters in one piece–from the top down, from cuff to cuff, or from back to front–for the whole family, with minimal seaming required!
One-Piece Knits offers charted patterns sized from toddler to adult and in multiple gauges for classic pullovers and cardigans in four styles: top-down (both raglan and yoke), side-over (from one sleeve edge to the other), and back-to-front (from back waist to front waist, then picking up stitches at the shoulders to knit the sleeves).
Additional patterns for each style feature alternate stitches, simple colorwork, and neckline and sleeve variations. A helpful resources section offers guidance on basic techniques.
Автор: Margaret Hubert
Издательство: Quarry Books
Формат: epub
Размер: 17 mb
Страниц: 290
Язык: Английский 
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