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LaFosse & Alexander's Origami Jewelry 2015

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Научитесь делать прекрасные подвески, медальоны, подвески, браслеты, ожерелья и серьги за считанные минуты, следуя подробным инструкциям в этой простой книге по оригами от известных художников-оригами Майкла Г. Лафосса и Ричарда Л. Александера
You'll be delighted at how quick, fun and inexpensive it is to make beautiful folded paper jewelry! Who knew that papercraft could be used to create such gorgeously wearable jewelry pieces?
Learn to make lovely pendants, medallions, charms, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings in minutes by following the detailed instructions in this easy origami book from renowned origami artists Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander - authors of the bestselling Money Origami Kit and LaFosse & Alexander's Origami Butterflies Kit.
The instructions and diagrams in this beginner origami book are easy to follow, and the 2 hours of step-by-step video instructions available on the free DVD, as a download or streamable online show you how to quickly fold and assemble the paper pieces into exquisite jewelry.
The papers and other materials needed are inexpensive and available in every craft store. Mix and match the modular paper components into sophisticated ensembles, to create designs to match your hair, skin tone and wardrobe. You can coat all the pieces in this origami book with a simple starch-based paste, which provides remarkable strength and allows you to wear the jewelry for many years.
LaFosse & Alexander's Origami Jewelry shows you how to make origami fashion jewelry that your friends will admire for its elegance, simplicity, and ingenuity.
Формат: epub
Размер: 9 mb
Страниц: 248
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