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Sew №118 2018 December

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Who else is keeping their fingers crossed for snow this winter? We can't resist an excuse to stay indoors and dig out the sewing project we've been itching to get started on! 
So pick up the December issue of Sew for a stunning selection of makes: try your hand at our simple sheath tunic, stitch a figure-hugging wrap dress, and slip on a sleeveless sweater made with just 1m of material! We've also hand-picked five leather fabrics and a selection of printed materials to craft your garments in, and have collated tips and tricks to help you along! Plus, we've got a real treat for you with our four-page spread on the secrets to timeless style with advice from fashion icons, including Twiggy and Zandra Rhodes, as well as a round-up of the stitchiest day of the year, Sew Saturday!
Формат: pdf 
Размер: 43 Mb
Язык: English
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