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Creative Polymer Clay: Over 30 techniques and projects for contemporary wearable art 2021

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Откройте для себя мир креативного и красочного изготовления ювелирных изделий, не выходя из собственного дома. 
В этом всеобъемлющем руководстве по современным техникам работы с полимерной глиной художница и дизайнер Хайди Хельярд рассказывает о простых техниках, которые можно использовать для создания одноразовых современных ювелирных изделий с минимальными затратами инструментов и оборудования.
Discover a world of creative and colourful jewellery making from the comfort of your own home. In this comprehensive guide to modern polymer clay techniques, artist and designer Heidi Helyard reveals the simple techniques that can be used to create one-off, contemporary jewellery pieces with minimal tools and equipment. Polymer clay is possibly one of the most accessible yet versatile art materials currently available. As readily accessible and easy to use as paint, you can make everything (and anything) with it, from sculptures and figurines, to artworks, decorations, homewares, and wearable jewellery. It’s lightweight, flexible and strong. No special tools or equipment is required to cure it, it is relatively cheap, and you only need to start with the primary colours, plus black and white, to mix any colour you like. Polymer clay, which has been around for nearly 80 years, is currently finding itself popular amongst contemporary jewellery makers as the bright colours and sheer versatility of the material allows makers to create bold and graphic modern designs. The beauty of polymer clay is that it presents so many opportunities to explore colour combinations, patterns and texture. In this book you will learn 10 easy yet exciting techniques including slab and cane making, marbling and colour mixing, inlay techniques, printing onto clay, surface embellishments and more to create 20 unique jewellery pieces. The projects in this book vary in complexity, but are accessible to both novice and advanced makers alike. If you are a beginner, the extensive step-by-step photos and instructions will help you develop your polymer clay skills and complete the projects with confidence. As you build your skills and learn the techniques via the book, you will realise that you can combine techniques to create all-new results.
Автор: Heidi Helyard
Издательство: David & Charles
Формат: EPUB
Размер: 30 Мб
Страниц: 144
Язык: Английский  
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