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Haiku Knits: 25 Serenely Beautiful Patterns Inspired by Japanese Design 2009

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25 простых, современных предметов одежды и аксессуаров, связанные спицами, вдохновленных японским дизайном, с инновационными элементами и красивыми узорами. Эти технически простые, но стильные и не очень сложные проекты понравятся модным вязальщикам на всех уровнях мастерства.
Haiku, the graceful and evocative form of Japanese poetry, celebrates nature in all its subtle and unobtrusive beauty. In Haiku Knits, this appreciation for understated, direct beauty is expressed in the texture of a felted skirt, the rhythm of a chain of twisted cables, or the casual elegance of an asymmetric sweater. Author Tanya Alpert, a knitwear designer and fiber artist, presents 25 simple, modern garments and accessories inspired by Japanese design, featuring innovative elements and beautiful fibers. These technically simple yet stylish and sophisticated designs will appeal to fashion-forward knitters at all skill levels. Illustrated throughout with stunning photographs, this elegant book also includes an appendix of essential techniques.
Автор: Alpert Tanya
Издательство: Potter Craft
Формат: pdf
Размер: 64 Мб
Страниц: 126
Язык: Английский
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