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The New Knitting Stitch Dictionary 2023

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Вдохновение у вас под рукой! На страницах новой книги по вязанию спицами, вы найдете 500 новых схем. Их легко применить для вязания свитеров или одеял, уютных для шарфов, цветовых решений для шляп, варежек и многого другого. Инструкции понятны для каждого узора. 
Inspiration at your fingertips!
Within the pages of The New Knitting Stitch Dictionary you will find not only 500 innovative knitting stitch patterns, but dozens of ideas popping through your mind. Cables may inspire designs for sweaters or blankets, cozy textures for scarves, colorwork for hats, mittens, and more. You will turn to this book again and again for fresh ideas!
The stitches are divided into sections by type of stitch to make it easy to find what you want: texture, lace, cables, Aran cables, flower and leaf patterns, bobbles, lifted stitches, Fair Isle, intarsia, borders, and more. Instructions for each stitch are charted so that you can easily visualize the pattern and use it in your own design. You will find this stitch dictionary to be an invaluable reference on your knitting bookshelf.
Автор: Lydia Klos
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Размер: 173 mb 
Формат: EPUB
Страниц: 336
Язык: Английский 
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