Every issue features fresh, modern, step-by-step projects for quilts, cushions, home style and gifts, with something for every skill level. In addition, there are fascinating features and interviews, the latest fabric and trends, plus news, reviews and ideas to inform and inspire you. Essential reading for every modern quilter!
Every issue features fresh, modern, step-by-step projects for quilts, cushions, home style and gifts, with something for every skill level. In addition, there are fascinating features and interviews, the latest fabric and trends, plus news, reviews and ideas to inform and inspire you. Essential reading for every modern quilter!
Every issue features fresh, modern, step-by-step projects for quilts, cushions, home style and gifts, with something for every skill level. In addition, there are fascinating features and interviews, the latest fabric and trends, plus news, reviews and ideas to inform and inspire you. Essential reading for every modern quilter!
Every issue features fresh, modern, step-by-step projects for quilts, cushions, home style and gifts, with something for every skill level. In addition, there are fascinating features and interviews, the latest fabric and trends, plus news, reviews and ideas to inform and inspire you. Essential reading for every modern quilter!
Журнал по пэчворку и квилтингу. На страницах журнала собрано множество великолепных, интересных проектов, созданных в технике лоскутного шитья. В каждом выпуске авторы журнала предлагают любителям лоскутного шитья новые, современные проекты для изготовления одеял, подушек и разных вещей для создания комфорта и уюта в доме.