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Knits from the Greenhouse 2019

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Explore the joy of plant-based yarns with 18 gorgeous projects.
The properties of plant-based yarns--cotton, linen, hemp, and others--are unique, naturally. They don't behave the same as wool yarns; to show off their best characteristics you need the right project. Knits from the Greenhouse is here to help you cultivate these fibers into beautiful finished designs. Dig in to find:
• High fiber knitwear using 100% plant-based fibers, as well as blended yarns.
• 18 projects designed specifically to show off the best properties these fibers ensure you have a beautiful finished project no matter the season.
• Helpful tips and tricks from agrarian designers who love working with plant-based fibers.
Автор: Cornelia Bartlette
Издательство: F+W Media
Формат:  pdf
Страниц: 77
Размер: 17 mb 
Язык: Английский 
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