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Knitting Patterns for Beginners: A Step-By-Step Guide to Learn the Most Amazing Knitting Stitches and Patterns in a Quick and Easy Way 2020

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Everywhere you can find the stockinette stitch: scarves, shoes, sweaters, blankets, hats, etc.
To integrate the stitch into your knitting repertoire, pay attention to the following: if the stitch of the stockinette is right or wrong (though both sides may, of course, be "right" according to the intended design). Usually, the right side is the smooth side, knit, or stockinette. The stitches look small on this side. The bumpy side of the punching fabric is known as reverse stockinet or purl.
The lining of the Stockinette coils on the bottom. The top and bottom (horizontal) borders are bent to the front or smooth side. The edges of the surface fall to the bumpy side.
Sweater designers also purposely use this rolling feature to create rolled joints or cuffs, and you can create simple strings or straps simply by knitting in the stitch of a very narrow (say, 4 or 6 stitches across) band.
You have to overcome this pattern by working the three or four stitches of the edge in some flat stitch (such as grit or seed stitch) if you want to lie flat.
When working on a stitch of stockinet and lose track of how you knitted or purled the last row, look at your knitting. Keep your needles ready to knit (with the LH needle carrying the stitches) and look at what faces you. If you look at the (smooth) side of your knitting, you knit. You purl if you look at the (bumpy) hand of the purl.
When working the storage stitch in the ring, you see the cast and curl the edges off. In some designs, this is often used as a custom design feature, but sometimes we do not like the look, like when knitting an afghan scarf or square.
Автор: Sarah Kits
Размер: 1 mb 
Формат: epub
Страниц: 68
Язык: Анлийский 
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