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Anatolian Knitting Designs: Sivas Stocking Patterns Collected in an Istanbul Shantytown 1981

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Mапу hand-knitted Turkish stockings qualify as important native art because of the fine craftsmanship that goes into their production end because of the beauty, feeling and meaning in their compositions end colors.
 Long ago the designs which Turkish peasant women knitted into their stockings became a part of village heritage. Now, however, this heritage is being lost. Though many peasants in Turkey still knit as before, many others have relinquished the art. Designs and even the tradition of knitting stockings are rapidly vanishing under the influences of modern living. Since Turks rarely think of their traditional handmade stockings as art forms, the knitted wear is seldom preserved, researched or exhibited.
Stockings knitted in the patterned Slvas style are among the moat beautiful in the whole of Turkey. The book also provides some background material on these designs.
Автор: Betsy Harrell
Издательство: Redhouse Press 
Формат: pdf
Размер: 52,7 mb
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